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A |
L |
acres | sq feet | 46,560 | league | miles (approx.) | 3.0 | |
acres | sq miles | 1.562 x 103 | lines/sq cm | gausses | 1.0 | |
acres | sq yards | 4,840 | lines/sq in. | gausses | 0.1550 | |
acre-feet | cu feet | 43,560 | lines/sq in. | webers/sq in. | 1 x 10-8 | |
acre-foot (U.S. survey) | metre3 (m3) | 1.233 x 103 | lines/sq in. | webers/sq meter | 1.550 x 10-5 | |
acre (U.S. survey) | meter2 (m2) | 4.47 x 103 | liters | bushels (U.S. dry) | 0.02838 | |
acre-feet | gallons | 3.259 x 105 | liters | cu cm | 1,000 | |
amperes/sq cm | amps/sq in. | 6.452 | liters | cu feet | 0.03531 | |
amperes/sq cm | amps/sq meter | 1 x 104 | liters | cu inches | 61.02 | |
amperes/sq in. | amps/sq cm | 0.1550 | liters | cu meters | 0.001 | |
amperes/sq in. | amps/sq meter | 1,550 | liters | gallons (U.S. liq.) | 0.2642 | |
amperes/sq meter | amps/sq cm | 1 x 10-4 | liters | quarts (U.S. liq.) | 1.057 | |
amperes/sq meter | amps/sq in. | 6.452 x 10-4 | liters/min | cu ft/sec | 5.886 x 10-4 | |
ampere-hours | coulombs | 3,600 | liters/min | gals/sec | 4.403 x 10-3 | |
ampere-hours | faradays | 0.03731 | ||||
ampere-turns/cm | amp-turns/in. | 2.540 |
M |
ampere-turns/in. | amp-turns/cm | 0.3937 | megohms | microhms | 1012 | |
ampere-turns/in. | amp-turns/meter | 39.37 | megohms | ohms | 106 | |
ampere-turns/in. | gilberts/cm | 0.4950 | meters | centimeters | 100 | |
ampere-turns/meter | amp-turns/cm | 0.01 | meters | feet | 3.281 | |
ampere-turns/meter | amp-turns/in. | 0.0254 | meters | inches | 39.37 | |
atmospheres | bars | 1.013 | meters | kilometers | 0.001 | |
atmospheres | ton/sq in. | 0.007348 | meters | miles (naut.) | 5.396 x 10-4 | |
atmospheres | cms of mercury | 76 | meters | miles (stat.) | 6.214 x 10-4 | |
atmospheres | ft of water (at 4o C) | 33.9 | meters | millimeters | 1,000 | |
atmospheres | in. of mercury (at 0o C) | 29.92 | meters | yards | 1.094 | |
atmospheres | kgs/sq cm | 1.0332 | meters/min | cms/sec | 1.667 | |
atmospheres | kgs/sq meter | 10,332 | meters/min | feet/min | 3.281 | |
atmospheres | pounds/sq in. | 14.696 | meters/min | feet/sec | 0.05468 | |
meters/min | kms/hr | 0.06 | ||||
B |
meters/min | knots | 0.03238 | |||
barrels (U.S., dry) | quarts (dry) | 105 | meters/min | miles/hr | 0.03728 | |
barrels (U.S., liquid) |
gallons | 31.5 | meters/sec | feet/min | 196.8 | |
barrels (oil) |
gallons (oil) | 42 | meters/sec | feet/sec | 3.281 | |
bars | atmospheres | 0.9869 | meters/sec | kilometers/hr | 3.6 | |
bars | dynes/sq cm | 106 | meters/sec | kilometers/min | 0.06 | |
bars | kgs/sq meter | 1.020 x 104 | meters/sec | miles/hr | 2.237 | |
bars | pounds/sq in. | 14.5 | meters/sec | miles/min | 0.03728 | |
BTU | liter-atmosphere | 10.409 | meters/sec/sec | cms/sec/sec | 100 | |
BTU | ergs | 1.0550 x 1010 | meters/sec/sec | ft/sec/sec | 3.281 | |
BTU | foot-lbs | 778.16 | meters/sec/sec | kms/hr/sec | 3.6 | |
BTU | gram-calories | 252 | meters/sec/sec | miles/hr/sec | 2.237 | |
BTU | horsepower-hrs | 3.931 x 10-4 | meter-kilograms | cm-dynes | 9.807 x 107 | |
BTU | joules | 1,054.8 | meter-kilograms | cm-grams | 105 | |
BTU | kilogram-calories | 0.2520 | meter-kilograms | pound-feet | 7.233 | |
BTU | kilogram-meters | 107.58 | microns | inches | 39.37 x 10-6 | |
BTU | kilowatt-hrs | 2.928 x 10-4 | microns | meters | 1 x 10-6 | |
BTU/hr | foot-pounds/sec | 0.2162 | miles (naut.) | miles (statute) | 1.1516 | |
BTU/hr | gram-cal/sec | 0.0700 | miles (naut.) | yards | 202.54 | |
BTU/hr | horsepower-hrs | 3.929 x 10-4 | miles (statute) | centimeters | 1.6093 x 105 | |
BTU/hr | watts | 0.2931 | miles (statute) | feet | 5,280 | |
BTU/min | foot-pounds/sec | 12.96 | miles (statute) | kilometers | 1.6093 | |
BTU/min | horsepower | 0.02356 | miles (statute) | meters | 1,609.3 | |
BTU/min | kilowatts | 0.01757 | miles (statute) | miles (naut.) | 0.8684 | |
BTU/min | watts | 17.57 | miles/hr | cms/sec | 44.7 | |
BTU/sq ft/min | watts/sq in. | 0.1221 | miles/hr | feet/min | 88 | |
miles/hr | feet/sec | 1.467 | ||||
C |
miles/hr | kms/hr | 1.6093 | |||
calories, gram (mean) |
BTU (mean) | 3.9685 x 10-3 | miles/hr | kms/min | 0.02682 | |
centares (centiares) | sq meters | 1.0 | miles/hr | knots | 0.8684 | |
centigrade | fahrenheit | (oC x 9/5) +32 | miles/hr | meters/min | 26.82 | |
centigrams | grams | 0.01 | miles/hr/sec | cms/sec/sec | 44.70 | |
centiliter | ounce fluid (US) | 0.3382 | miles/hr/sec | feet/sec/sec | 1.467 | |
centiliter | cubic inch | 0.6103 | miles/hr/sec | kms/hr/sec | 1.6093 | |
centiliter | drams | 2.705 | miles/hr/sec | meters/sec/sec | 0.4470 | |
centiliters | liters | 0.01 | miles/min | cms/sec | 2,682 | |
centimeters | feet | 3.281 x 10-2 | miles/min | feet/sec | 88 | |
centimeters | inches | 0.3937 | miles/min | kms/min | 1.6093 | |
centimeters | kilometers | 1 x 10-5 | miles/min | knots/min | 0.8684 | |
centimeters | meters | 0.01 | miles/min | miles/hr | 60 | |
centimeters | miles | 6.214 x 10-6 | mil-feet | cu inches | 9.425 x 10-6 | |
centimeters | mils | 393.7 | millibar | pascal (Pa) | 100 | |
centimeters | yards | 1.094 x 10-2 | millimetre of mercury (0oC) | pascal (Pa) | 133.3 | |
centimeter-dynes | cm-grams | 1.020 x 10-3 | millicrons | meters | 1 x 10-9 | |
centimeter-dynes | meter-kgs | 1.020 x 10-8 | milligrams | grains | 0.01543236 | |
centimeter-dynes | pound-feet | 7.376 x 10-8 | milligrams | grams | 0.001 | |
centimeter-grams | cm-dynes | 980.7 | milligrams/liter | parts/million | 1 | |
centimeter-grams | meter-kgs | 1 x 10-5 | milliliters | liters | 0.001 | |
centimeter-grams | pound-feet | 7.233 x 10-5 | millimeters | centimeters | 0.1 | |
centimeters of mercury | atmospheres | 0.01316 | millimeters | feet | 3.281 x 10-3 | |
centimeters of mercury | feet of water | 0.4461 | millimeters | inches | 0.03937 | |
centimeters of mercury | kgs/sq meter | 136 | millimeters | kilometers | 1 x 10-6 | |
centimeters of mercury (0oC) | pascal (Pa) | 1.333 x 103 | millimeters | meters | 0.001 | |
centimeters of mercury | pounds/sq ft | 27.85 | millimeters | miles | 6.214 x 10-7 | |
centimeters of mercury | pounds/sq in. | 0.1934 | millimeters | mils | 39.37 | |
centimeters of water (4oC) | pascal (Pa) | 98.06 | millimeters | yards | 1.094 x 10-3 | |
centimeters/sec | miles/hr | 0.02237 | million gals/day | cu ft/sec | 1.54723 | |
centimeters/sec | miles/min | 3.728 x 10-4 | mils | centimeters | 2.540 x 10-3 | |
centimeters/sec/sec | feet/sec/sec | 0.03281 | mils | inches | 0.001 | |
centimeters/sec/sec | kms/hr/sec | 0.036 | mils | kilometers | 2.540 x 10-8 | |
centimeters/sec/sec | meters/sec/sec | 0.01 | minutes (angles) | degrees | 0.01667 | |
centimeters/sec/sec | miles/hr/sec | 0.02237 | minutes (angles) | quadrants | 1.852 x 10-4 | |
centipoise | pascal-second (Pa s) | 1 x 10-3 | minutes (angles) | radians | 2.909 x 10-4 | |
centistokes | metre2/second (m2/s) | 1 x 10-6 | minutes (angles) | seconds | 60 | |
circular mils | sq cms | 5.067 x 10-6 | ||||
circular mils | sq mils | 0.7854 |
N |
circular mils | sq inches | 7.854 x 10-7 | newton | dynes | 105 | |
circumference | radians | 6.283 | ||||
coulombs | faradays | 1.036 x 10-5 |
O |
coulombs/sq cm | coulombs/sq in. | 6.452 | ohms | megohms | 1 x 10-6 | |
coulombs/sq cm | coulombs/sq meter | 1 x 104 | ohms | microhms | 106 | |
coulombs/sq in. | coulombs/sq meter | 1,550 | ounces | drams | 16 | |
coulombs/sq meter | coulombs/sq cm | 1 x 10-4 | ounces | grains | 437.5 | |
coulombs/sq meter | coulombs/sq in. | 6.452 x 10-4 | ounces | grams | 28.349527 | |
cubic centimeters | cu feet | 3.531 x 10-5 | ounces | pounds | 0.0625 | |
cubic centimeters | cu inches | 0.06102 | ounces | ounces (troy) | 0.9115 | |
cubic centimeters | cu meters | 1 x 10-6 | ounces | tons (long) | 2.790 x 10-5 | |
cubic centimeters | cu yards | 1.308 x 10-6 | ounces | tons (metric) | 2.835 x 10-5 | |
cubic centimeters | gallons (U.S. liq.) | 2.642 x 10-4 | ounce-force (avoirdupois) | newton (N) | 2.78 x 10-1 | |
cubic centimeters | liters | 0.001 | ounce-force-inch | newton-metre (N m) | 7.06 x 10-3 | |
cubic centimeters | quarts (U.S. liq.) | 1.057 x 10-3 | ounces (fluid) | cu inches | 1.805 | |
cubic feet | bushels (dry) | 0.8036 | ounces (fluid) | liters | 0.02957 | |
cubic feet | cu cms | 28,320 | ounces (troy) | grains | 480 | |
cubic feet | cu inches | 1,728 | ounces (troy) | grams | 31.103481 | |
cubic feet | cu meters | 0.02832 | ounces (troy) | ounces (avdp.) | 1.09714 | |
cubic feet | cu yards | 0.03704 | ounces (troy) | pennyweights (troy) | 20 | |
cubic feet | gallons (U.S. liq.) | 7.48052 | ounces (troy) | pounds (troy) | 0.08333 | |
cubic feet | liters | 28.32 | ounce/sq. inch | dynes/sq cm | 4309 | |
cubic feet | quarts (U.S. liq.) | 29.92 | ounces/sq. in. | pounds/sq in. | 0.0625 | |
cubic feet/min | cu cms/sec | 472 | ||||
cubic feet/min | gallons/sec | 0.1247 |
P |
cubic feet/min | liters/sec | 0.4720 | parts/million | grains/U.S. gal | 0.0584 | |
cubic feet/min | pounds of water/min | 62.4283 | parts/million | grains/Imp. gal | 0.07016 | |
cubic inches | cu cms | 16.39 | parts/million | pounds/million gal | 8.345 | |
cubic inches | cu feet | 5.787 x 10-4 | pascal (Pa) | atmosphere (normal - 760torr) | 9.87 x 10-4 | |
cubic inches | cu meters | 1.639 x 10-5 | pascal (Pa) | bar | 1 x 10-5 | |
cubic inches | cu yards | 2.143 x 10-5 | pascal (Pa) | centimetre of mercury (0oC) | 7.5 x 10-4 | |
cubic inches | gallons | 4.329 x 10-3 | pascal (Pa) | centimetre of water (4oC) | 1.02 x 10-2 | |
cubic inches | liters | 0.01639 | pascal (Pa) | dyne/centimetre2 | 10 | |
cubic inches | quarts (U.S. liq.) | 0.01732 | pascal (Pa) | foot of water (39.2oF) | 3.35 x 10-4 | |
cubic meters | bushels (dry) | 28.38 | pascal (Pa) | gram-force/centimetre2 | 1.02 x 10-2 | |
cubic meters | cu cms | 106 | pascal (Pa) | inch of mecury (60oF) | 2.96 x 10-4 | |
cubic meters | cu feet | 35.31 | pascal (Pa) | inch of water (60oF) | 4.02 x 10-3 | |
cubic meters | cu inches | 61,023 | pascal (Pa) | kilogram/metre2 | 1.02 x 10-1 | |
cubic meters | cu yards | 1.308 | pascal (Pa) | millibar | 1 x 10-2 | |
cubic meters | gallons (U.S. liq.) | 264.2 | pascal (Pa) | pound/foot2 | 2.088 x 10-2 | |
cubic meters | liters | 1,000 | pascal (Pa) | pound/inch2 | 1.45 x 10-4 | |
cubic meters | quarts (U.S. liq.) | 1,057 | pennyweights (troy) | grains | 24 | |
cubic yards | cu cms | 7.646 x 105 | pennyweights (troy) | ounces (troy) | 0.05 | |
cubic yards | cu feet | 27 | pennyweights (troy) | grams | 1.55517 | |
cubic yards | cu meters | 0.7646 | pennyweights (troy) | pounds (troy) | 4.1667 x 10-3 | |
cubic yards | gallons (U.S. liq.) | 202 | pints (dry) | cu inches | 33.6 | |
cubic yards | liters | 764.6 | pints (liq.) | cu feet | 0.01671 | |
cubic yards | quarts (U.S. liq.) | 807.9 | pints (liq.) | cu inches | 28.87 | |
cubic yards/min | cubic ft/sec | 0.45 | pints (liq.) | cu meters | 4.732 x 10-4 | |
cubic yards/min | gallons/sec | 3.367 | pints (liq.) | cu yards | 6.189 x 10-4 | |
cubic yards/min | liters/sec | 12.74 | pints (liq.) | liters | 0.4732 | |
pints (liq.) | quarts (liq.) | 0.5 | ||||
D |
poise | gram/cm.-sec. | 1 | |||
days (mean solar) | years | 2.737806 x 10-3 | pounds (avoirdupois) | ounces (troy) | 14.5833 | |
days (mean solar) | seconds | 86,400 | poundals | dynes | 13,826 | |
decibar | pascal (Pa) | 104 | poundals | grams | 14.10 | |
degree (angle) | radian (rad) | 1.745 x 10-2 | poundals | joules/cm | 1.383 x 10-3 | |
degrees (angle) | quadrants | 0.01111 | poundals | joules/meter (newtons) | 0.1383 | |
degrees (angle) | seconds | 3,600 | poundals | pounds | 0.03108 | |
degrees/sec | radians/sec | 0.01745 | pounds | drams | 256 | |
degrees/sec | revolutions/min | 0.1667 | pounds | dynes | 44.4823 x 104 | |
degrees/sec | revolutions/sec | 2.778 x 10-3 | pounds | grains | 7,000 | |
degree Celsius | kelvin (K) | tok = toc + 273.15 | pounds | grams | 453.5924 | |
degree centigrade | same as celsius | pounds | joules/cm | 0.04448 | ||
degree Fahrenheit | degree Celsius | toc = (tof -32)/1.8 | pounds | joules/meter (newtons) | 4.448 | |
degree Fahrenheit | kelvin (K) | tok = (tof + 459.67)/1.8 | pounds | kilograms | 0.4536 | |
dyne/sq cm | erg./sq. millimeter | 0.01 | pounds | ounces | 16 | |
dyne/sq cm | atmospheres | 9.869 x 10-7 | pounds | ounces (troy) | 14.5833 | |
dyne/sq cm | inch of mercury at 0oC | 2.953 x 10-5 | pounds | poundals | 32.17 | |
dyne/sq cm | inch of water at 4oC | 4.015 x 10-4 | pounds | pounds (troy) | 1.21528 | |
dynes/sq cm | bars | 10-6 | pounds | tons (short) | 0.0005 | |
dynes | grams | 1.020 x 10-3 | pounds (troy) | grains | 5,760 | |
dyne/sq cm | joules/cm | 10-7 | pounds (troy) | grams | 373.24177 | |
dyne/sq cm | joules/meter (newtons) | 10-5 | pounds (troy) | ounces (avdp.) | 13.1667 | |
dyne/sq cm | kilograms | 1.020 x 10-6 | pounds (troy) | ounces (troy) | 12 | |
dyne/sq cm | poundals | 7.233 x 10-5 | pounds (troy) | pounds (avdp.) | 0.822857 | |
dyne/sq cm | pounds | 2.248 x 10-6 | pounds (troy) | tons (long) | 3.6735 x 10-4 | |
pounds (troy) | tons (metric) | 3.7324 x 10-4 | ||||
E |
pounds (troy) | tons (short) | 4.1143 x 10-4 | |||
erg/sec | dyne-cm/sec | 1.000 | pounds of water | cu feet | 0.01602 | |
ergs | BTU | 9.486 x 10-11 | pounds of water | cu inches | 27.68 | |
ergs | dyne-centimeters | 1.0 | pounds of water | gallons | 0.1198 | |
ergs | foot-pounds | 7.376 x 10-8 | pounds of water/min | cu ft/sec | 2.670 x 10-4 | |
ergs | gram-calories | 0.2389 x 10-7 | pound-feet | cm-dynes | 1.356 x 107 | |
ergs | gram-cms | 1.020 x 10-3 | pound-feet | cm-grams | 13,825 | |
ergs | horsepowers-hrs | 3.7250 x 10-14 | pound-feet | meter-kgs | 0.1383 | |
ergs | joules | 10-7 | pounds/cu ft | grams/cu cm | 0.01602 | |
ergs | kg-calories | 2.389 x 10-11 | pounds/cu ft | kgs/cu meter | 16.02 | |
ergs | kg-meters | 1.020 x 10-8 | pounds/cu ft | pounds/cu in. | 5.787 x 10-4 | |
ergs | kilowatt-hrs | 0.2773 x 10-13 | pounds/cu in. | grams/cu cm | 27.68 | |
ergs | watt-hours | 0.2773 x 10-10 | pounds/cu in. | kgs/cu meter | 2.768 x 104 | |
ergs/sec | BTU/min | 5.688 x 10-9 | pounds/cu in. | pounds/cu ft | 1,728 | |
ergs/sec | ft-lbs/min | 4.426 x 10-6 | pounds/ft | kgs/meter | 1.488 | |
ergs/sec | ft-lbs/sec | 7.3756 x 10-8 | pounds/in. | grams/cm | 178.6 | |
ergs/sec | horsepower | 1.341 x 10-10 | pounds/mil-foot | grams/cu cm | 2.306 x 106 | |
ergs/sec | kg-calories/min | 1.433 x 10-9 | pounds/sq ft | atmospheres | 4.725 x 10-4 | |
ergs/sec | kilowatts | 1 x 10-10 | pounds/sq ft | feet of water | 0.01602 | |
pounds/sq ft | inches of mercury | 0.01414 | ||||
F |
pounds/sq ft | kgs/sq meter | 4.882 | |||
farads | microfarads | 106 | pounds/sq ft | pounds/sq in. | 6.944 x 10-3 | |
faraday/sec | ampere (absolute) | 9.6500 x 104 | pounds/sq in. | atmospheres | 0.06804 | |
faradays | coulombs | 9.649 x 104 | pounds/sq in. | feet of water | 2.307 | |
fathom | meter | 1.828804 | pounds/sq in. | inches of mercury | 2.036 | |
fathoms | feet | 6 | pounds/sq in. | kgs/sq meter | 703.1 | |
feet | centimeters | 30.48 | pounds/sq in. | pascal (Pa) | 6.895 x 103 | |
feet | kilometers | 3.048 x 10-4 | pounds/sq in. | pounds/sq ft | 144.0 | |
feet | meters | 0.3048 | ||||
feet | miles (naut.) | 1.645 x 10-4 |
Q |
feet | miles (stat.) | 1.894 x 10-4 | quadrants (angle) | degrees | 90 | |
feet | millimeters | 304.8 | quadrants (angle) | minutes | 5,400 | |
feet of water | atmospheres | 0.02950 | quadrants (angle) | radians | 1.571 | |
feet of water | in. of mercury | 0.8826 | quadrants (angle) | seconds | 3.24 x 105 | |
feet of water | kgs/sq cm | 0.03048 | quarts (dry) | cu inches | 67.20 | |
feet of water | kgs/sq meter | 304.8 | quarts (liq.) | cu feet | 0.03342 | |
feet of water | pounds/sq ft | 62.4283 | quarts (liq.) | cu inches | 57.75 | |
feet of water | pounds/sq in. | 0.4335 | quarts (liq.) | cu meters | 9.464 x 10-4 | |
feet/min | cms/sec | 0.5080 | quarts (liq.) | cu yards | 1.238 x 10-3 | |
feet/min | kms/hr | 0.01829 | quarts (liq.) | liters | 0.9463 | |
feet/min | meters/min | 0.3048 | quarts (liq.) | gallons | 0.25 | |
feet/min | miles/hr | 0.01136 | ||||
feet/sec | cms/sec | 30.48 |
R |
feet/sec | kms/hr | 1.097 | radians | degrees | 57.296 | |
feet/sec | knots | 0.5921 | radians | minutes | 3,438 | |
feet/sec | meters/min | 18.29 | radians | quadrants | 0.6366 | |
feet/sec | miles/hr | 0.6818 | radians | seconds | 2.063 x 105 | |
feet/sec | miles/min | 0.01136 | radians/sec | degrees/sec | 57.296 | |
feet/sec/sec | cms/sec/sec | 30.48 | radians/sec | revolutions/sec | 0.1592 | |
feet/sec/sec | kms/hr/sec | 10.97 | radians/sec/sec | revs/min/min | 572.96 | |
feet/sec/sec | meters/sec/sec | 0.3048 | radians/sec/sec | revs/min/sec | 9.549 | |
feet/sec/sec | miles/hr/sec | 0.6818 | radians/sec/sec | revs/sec/sec | 0.1592 | |
feet/100 feet | percent grade | 1 | revolutions | degrees | 360 | |
foot-candle | lumen/sq meter | 10.764 | revolutions | quadrants | 4 | |
foot-pounds | BTU | 1.286 x 10-3 | revolutions | radians | 6.283 | |
foot-pounds | ergs | 1.356 x 107 | revolutions/min | degrees/sec | 6 | |
foot-pounds | gram-calories | 0.3241 | revolutions/min | radians/sec | 0.1047 | |
foot-pounds | hp-hrs | 5.050 x 10-7 | revolutions/min/min | radians/sec/sec | 1.745 x 10-3 | |
foot-pounds | joules | 1.356 | revolutions/min/min | revs/min/sec | 0.01667 | |
foot-pounds | kg-calories | 3.241 x 10-4 | revolutions/min/min | revs/sec/sec | 2.778 x 10-4 | |
foot-pounds | kilowatt-hrs | 3.766 x 10-7 | revolutions/sec | degrees/sec | 360 | |
foot-pounds/min | BTU/min | 1.286 x 10-3 | revolutions/sec | raidians/sec | 6.283 | |
foot-pounds/min | foot-pounds/sec |
0.01667 |
revolutions/sec | revs/min | 60 | |
foot-pounds/min | horsepower | 3.030 x 10-5 | revolutions/sec/sec | radians/sec/sec | 6.283 | |
foot-pounds/min | kg-calories/min | 3.241 x 10-4 | revolutions/sec/sec | revs/min/min | 3,600 | |
foot-pounds/min | kilowatts | 2.260 x 10-5 | revolutions/sec/sec | revs/min/sec | 60 | |
foot-pounds/sec | BTU/hr | 4.6263 | rod | meters | 5.029 | |
foot-pounds/sec | BTU/min | 0.07717 | rods (surveyors' meas.) | yards | 5.5 | |
foot-pounds/sec | horsepower | 1.818 x 10-3 | rods | feet | 16.5 | |
foot-pounds/sec | kg-calories/min | 0.01945 | ||||
foot-pounds/sec | kilowatts | 1.356 x 10-3 |
S |
seconds (angle) | degrees | 2.778 x 10-4 | ||||
G |
seconds (angle) | minutes | 0.01667 | |||
gallons | cu cms | 3,785 | seconds (angle) | quadrants | 3.087 x 10-6 | |
gallons | cu feet | 0.1337 | seconds (angle) | radians | 4.848 x 10-6 | |
gallons | cu inches | 231 | slug | kilogram | 14.59 | |
gallons | cu meters | 3.785 x 10-3 | slug | pounds | 32.17 | |
gallons | cu yards | 4.951 x 10-3 | sphere (solid angle) | steradians | 12.57 | |
gallons | liters | 3.785 | square centimeters | circular mils | 1.973 x 105 | |
gallons (Imp. liq.) | gallons (U.S. liq.) | 1.20095 | square centimeters | sq feet | 1.076 x 10-3 | |
gallons (U.S. liq.) | gallons (Imp.liq.) | 0.83267 | square centimeters | sq inches | 0.1550 | |
gallons of water | pounds of water | 8.34547 | square centimeters | sq meters | 0.0001 | |
gallons/min | cu ft/sec | 2.228 x 10-3 | square centimeters | sq millimeters | 100 | |
gallons/min | liters/sec | 0.06308 | square centiemters | sq yards | 1.196 x 10-4 | |
gallons/min | cu ft/hr | 8.0208 | square feet | acres | 2.296 x 10-5 | |
gausses | webers/sq in. | 6.452 x 10-8 | square feet | sq inches | 144 | |
gausses | webers/sq meter | 1 x 10-4 | square feet | sq meters | 0.0929 | |
grams | dynes | 980.7 | square feet | sq miles | 3.587 x 10-8 | |
grams | grains (troy) | 15.43 | square feet | sq millimeters | 9.290 x 104 | |
grams | joules/cm | 9.807 x 10-5 | square inches | circular mils | 1.273 x 106 | |
grams | joules/meter (newtons) | 9.807 x 10-3 | square inches | sq cms | 6.452 | |
grams |
kilograms |
0.001 | square inches | sq feet | 6.944 x 10-3 | |
grams | milligrams | 1,000 | square inches | sq millimeters | 645.2 | |
grams | ounces (avdp) | 0.03527 | square inches | sq mils | 106 | |
grams | ounces (troy) | 0.03215 | square inches | sq yards | 7.716 x 10-4 | |
grams | pounds | 2.205 x 10-3 | square kilometers | sq cms | 1010 | |
grams/cm | pounds/inch | 5.600 x 10-3 | square kilometers | sq ft | 10.76 x 106 | |
grams/cu cm | pouncs/cu ft | 62.43 | square kilometers | sq inches | 1.550 x 109 | |
grams/cu cm | pounds/cu in. | 0.03613 | square kilometers | sq meters | 106 | |
grams/cu cm | pounds/mil-foot | 3.405 x 10-7 | square kilometers | sq miles | 0.3861 | |
grams/liter | grains/gal | 58.417 | square kilometers | sq yards | 1.196 x 106 | |
grams/liter | pounds/1,000 gal | 8.345 | square meters | acres | 2.471 x 10-4 | |
grams/liter | pounds/cu ft | 0.062427 | square meters | sq cms | 104 | |
grams/liter | parts/million | 1,000 | square meters | sq feet | 10.76 | |
grams/sq cm | pounds/sq ft | 2.0481 | square meters | sq miles | 3.861 x 10-7 | |
gram-calories | BTU | 3.9683 x 10-3 | square meters | sq millimeters | 106 | |
gram-calories | ergs | 4.1868 x 107 | square meters | sq yards | 1.196 | |
gram-calories | foot-pounds | 3.0860 | square miles | acres | 640 | |
gram-calories | horsepower-hrs | 1.5596 x 10-6 | square miles | sq feet | 27.88 x 106 | |
gram-calories | kilowatt-hrs | 1.1630 x 10-6 | square miles | sq meters | 2.590 x 106 | |
gram-calories | watt-hrs | 1.1630 x 10-3 | square miles | sq yards | 3.098 x 106 | |
gram-calories/sec | BTU/hr | 14.286 | square millimeters | sq cms | 0.01 | |
gram-centimeters | BTU | 9.297 x 10-8 | square millimeters | sq feet | 1.076 x 10-5 | |
gram-centimeters | ergs | 980.7 | square millimeters | sq inches | 1.550 x 10-3 | |
gram-centimeters | joules | 9.807 x 10-5 | square mils | circular mils | 1.273 | |
gram-centimeters | kg-cal | 2.343 x 10-8 | square mils | sq cms | 6.452 x 10-6 | |
gram-centimeters | kg-meters | 10-5 | square mils | sq inches | 1 x 10-6 | |
square yards | acres | 2.066 x 10-4 | ||||
H |
square yards | sq cms | 8,361 | |||
horsepower | BTU/min | 42.44 | square yards | sq feet | 9 | |
horsepower | foot-lbs/min | 33,000 | square yards | sq inches | 1,296 | |
horsepower | foot-lbs/sec | 550 | square yards | sq meters | 0.8361 | |
horsepower (metric) (542.5 ft lb/sec) |
horsepower (550 ft lb/sec) | 0.9863 | steres | liters | 9.99973 x 102 | |
horesepower (550 ft lb/sec) |
horsepower (metric) (542.5 ft lb/sec) | 1.014 | ||||
horsepower | kg-calories/min | 10.68 |
T |
horsepower (550 ft lbf/s) | watt (W) | 745.7 | temperature (oC) + 273.15 | absolute temperature (oK) | 1 | |
horsepower (boiler) | watt (W) | 9809.5 | temperature (oC) + 17.78 | temperature (oF) | 1.8 | |
horsepower (electric) | watt (W) | 746 | temperature (oF) + 459.67 | absolute temperature (oR) | 1 | |
horsepower (metric) | watt (W) | 735.5 | temperature (oF) - 32 | temerature (oC) | 5/9 | |
horsepower (water) | watt (W) | 746.04 | tons (long) | kilograms | 1,016 | |
horsepower (U.K.) | watt (W) | 745.7 | tons (long) | pounds | 2,240 | |
horsepower-hrs | BTU | 2,547 | tons (long) | tons (short) | 1.120 | |
horsepower-hrs | ergs | 2.6845 x 1013 | tons (metric) | kilograms | 1,000 | |
horsepower-hrs | foot-lbs | 1.98 x 106 | tons (metric) | pounds | 2,205 | |
horsepower-hrs | gram-calories | 641,190 | tons (short) | kilograms | 907.1848 | |
horsepower-hrs | joules | 2.684 x 106 | tons (short) | ounces | 32,000 | |
horsepower-hrs | kg-calories | 641.7 | tons (short) | ounces (troy) | 29,166.66 | |
horsepower-hrs | kg-meters | 2.737 x 105 | tons (short) | pounds | 2,000 | |
horsepower-hrs | kilowatt-hrs | 0.7457 | tons (short) | pounds (troy) | 2,430.56 | |
hundredweights (long) | pounds | 112 | tons (short) | tons (long) | 0.89287 | |
hundredweights (long) | tons (long) | 0.05 | tons (short) | tons (metric) | 0.9078 | |
hundredweights (short) | ounces (avoirdupois) | 1600 | tons (short)/sq ft | kgs/sq meter | 9,765 | |
hundredweights (short) | pounds | 100 | tons (short)/sq ft | pounds/sq in. | 13.888 | |
hundredweights (short) | tons (metric) | 0.0453592 | ||||
hundredweights (short) | tons (long) | 0.0446429 |
V |
volt/inch | volt/cm. | 0.39370 | ||||
I |
inches | centimeters | 2.540 |
W |
inches | meters | 2.540 x 10-2 | watts | BTU/hr | 3.4129 | |
inches | miles | 1.578 x 10-5 | watts | BTU/min | 0.05688 | |
inches | millimeters | 2.540 | watts | ergs/sec | 107 | |
inches | mils | 1,000 | watts | foot-lbs/min | 44.27 | |
inches of mercury | atmospheres | 0.03342 | watts | foot-lbs/sec | 0.7378 | |
inches of mercury | feet of water | 1.133 | watts | horsepower | 1.341 x 10-3 | |
inches of mercury | kgs/sq cm | 0.03453 | watts | horsepower (metric) | 1.360 x 10-3 | |
inches of mercury | kgs/sq meter | 345.3 | watts | kg-calories/min | 0.01433 | |
inch of mercury (32oF) | pascal (Pa) | 3.386 x 103 | watts | kilowatts | 1 x 10-3 | |
inch of mercury (60oF) | pascal (Pa) | 3.38 x 103 | watts (abs.) | joules/sec | 1 | |
inches of mercury | pounds/sq in. | 0.4912 | watt-hours | BTU | 3.413 | |
inches of water (at 4oC) | atmospheres | 2.458 x 10-3 | watt-hours | ergs | 3.60 x 1010 | |
inches of water (at 4oC) | inches of mercury | 0.07355 | watt-hours | foot-pounds | 2,656 | |
inches of water (at 4oC) | kgs/sq cm | 2.540 x 10-3 | watt-hours | gram-calories | 859.85 | |
inches of water (at 4oC) | ounces/sq in. | 0.5781 | watt-hours | horsepower-hrs | 1.341 x 10-3 | |
inch of water (39.2oF) | pascal (Pa) | 2.491 x 102 | watt-hours | kilogram-calories | 0.8605 | |
inch of water (60oF) | pascal (Pa) | 2.488 x 102 | watt-hours | kilogram-meters | 367.2 | |
inches of water (at 4oC) | pounds/sq in. | 0.03613 | watt-hours | kilowatt-hrs | 0.001 | |
international volt | joules (absolute) | 1.59 x 10-19 | watt (International) | watt (abssolute) | 1.000165 | |
international volt | joules | 9.654 x 104 | webers/sq in. | gausses | 1.550 x 107 | |
webers/sq in. | webers/sq cm | 0.1550 | ||||
J |
webers/sq in. | webers/sq meter | 1,550 | |||
joules | BTU | 9.486 x 10-4 | webers/sq meter | gausses | 104 | |
joules | ergs | 107 | webers/sq meter | lines/sq in. | 6.452 x 104 | |
joules | foot-pounds | 0.73746 | webers/sq meter | webers/sq cm | 10-4 | |
joules | kg-calories | 2.389 x 104 | webers/sq meter | webers/sq in. | 6.542 x 10-4 | |
joules | kg-meters | 0.1020 | ||||
joules | watt-hrs | 2.778 x 10-4 |
Y |
joules/cm | grams | 1.020 x 104 | yards | centimeters | 91.44 | |
joules/cm | dynes | 107 | yards | kilometers | 9.144 x 10-4 | |
joules/cm | joules/meter (newtons) | 100 | yards | meters | 0.9144 | |
joules/cm | poundals | 723.3 | yards | miles (naut.) | 4.934 x 10-4 | |
joules/cm | pounds | 22.48 | yards | miles (stat.) | 5.682 x 10-4 | |
yards | millimeters | 914.4 | ||||
K |
kelvin | degree Celsius | toc = tok - 273.15 | INTO ... ![]() |
kilograms | dynes | 980,665 |
kilograms | grams | 1,000 | ||||
kilograms | joules/cm | 0.09807 | ||||
kilograms | joules/meter (newtons) | 9.807 | ||||
kilograms | poundals | 70.93 | ||||
kilograms | pounds | 2.2046 | ||||
kilograms | tons (long) | 9.842 x 10-4 | ||||
kilograms | tons (short) | 1.102 x 10-3 | ||||
kilograms/cu meter | grams/cu cm | 0.001 | ||||
kilograms/cu meter | pounds/cu ft. | 0.06243 | ||||
kilograms/cu meter | pounds/cu in. | 3.613 x 10-5 | ||||
kilograms/cu meter | pounds/mil-foot | 3.405 x 10-10 | ||||
kilograms/meter | pounds/ft | 0.6720 | ||||
kilograms/sq cm | dynes/sq cm | 980,665 | ||||
kilograms/sq cm | atmospheres | 0.9678 | ||||
kilograms/sq cm | feet of water | 32.81 | ||||
kilograms/sq cm | inches of mercury | 28.96 | ||||
kilograms/sq cm | pounds/sq ft | 2,048 | ||||
kilograms/sq cm | pounds/sq in. | 14.22 | ||||
kilograms/sq meter | atmospheres | 9.678 x 10-5 | ||||
kilograms/sq meter | bars | 98.07 x 10-4 | ||||
kilograms/sq meter | feet of water | 3.281 x 10-3 | ||||
kilograms/sq meter | inches of mercury | 2.896 x 10-3 | ||||
kilograms/sq meter | pounds/sq ft | 0.2048 | ||||
kilograms/sq meter | pascal (Pa) | 9.807 | ||||
kilograms/sq meter | pounds/sq in. | 1.422 x 10-3 | ||||
kilograms/sq mm | kgs/sq meter | 106 | ||||
kilogram-calories | BTU | 3.968 | ||||
kilogram-calories | foot-pounds | 3,086 | ||||
kilogram-calories | hp-hrs | 1.558 x 10-3 | ||||
kilogram-calories | joules | 4,183 | ||||
kilogram-calories | kg-meters | 426.9 | ||||
kilogram-calories | kilojoules | 4.186 | ||||
kilogram-calories | kilowatt-hrs | 1.163 x 10-3 | ||||
kilogram meters | BTU | 9.296 x 10-3 | ||||
kilogram meters | ergs | 9.807 x 107 | ||||
kilogram meters | foot-pounds | 7.233 | ||||
kilogram meters | joules | 9.807 | ||||
kilogram meters | kg-calories | 2.342 x 10-3 | ||||
kilogram meters | kilowatt-hrs | 2.723 x 10-6 | ||||
kilometers | centimeters | 105 | ||||
kilometers | feet | 3,281 | ||||
kilometers | meters | 1,000 | ||||
kilometers | miles | 0.6214 | ||||
kilometers | millimeters | 106 | ||||
kilometers | yards | 1,093.61 | ||||
kilometers/hr | cms/sec | 27.78 | ||||
kilometers/hr | feet/min | 54.68 | ||||
kilometers/hr | feet/sec | 0.9113 | ||||
kilometers/hr | knots | 0.5396 | ||||
kilometers/hr | meters/min | 16.67 | ||||
kilometers/hr | miles/hr | 0.6214 | ||||
kilometers/hr/sec | cms/sec/sec | 27.78 | ||||
kilometers/hr/sec | ft/sec/sec | 0.9113 | ||||
kilometers/hr/sec | meters/sec/sec | 0.2778 | ||||
kilometers/hr/sec | miles/hr/sec | 0.6214 | ||||
kilowatts | BTU/min | 56.92 | ||||
kilowatts | foot-lbs/min | 4.426 x 104 | ||||
kilowatts | foot-lbs/sec | 737.6 | ||||
kilowatts | horsepower | 1.341 | ||||
kilowatts | kg-calories/min | 14.34 | ||||
kilowatts | watts | 1,000 | ||||
kilowatt-hrs | BTU | 3,413 | ||||
kilowatt-hrs | ergs | 3.600 x 1013 | ||||
kilowatt-hrs | foot-lbs | 2.655 x 106 | ||||
kilowatt-hrs | gram-calories | 8,598.5 | ||||
kilowatt-hrs | horsepower-hrs | 1.341 | ||||
kilowatt-hrs | joules | 3.6 x 106 | ||||
kilowatt-hrs | kg-calories | 860.5 | ||||
kilowatt-hrs | kg-meters | 3.671 x 105 | ||||
kilowatt-hrs |
pounds of water raised from 62o to 212oF |
22.75 | ||||
knots | feet/hr | 6,080 | ||||
knots | kilometers/hr | 1.8532 | ||||
knots | nautical miles/hr | 1 | ||||
knots | statute miles/hr | 1.151 | ||||
knots | feet/sec | 1.689 | ||||
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