APE Light Weight Model 150 Shows Its Power
The APE Model 150, first introduced in 1990, is still the most advanced vibatory pile driver/extractor on the market. Even 13 years after it first hit the market, the Model 150 is still the lightest, most powerful 2600 inch pound machine available. The 150 can out perform 4000 inch pound machines. The 150 features a suppressor housing that can adapt to low head situations and its modular design can reduce the overall weight to as little as 5500 lbs. The height can be reduced to less than 55 inches. The 150 can be mounted on an excavator or can run off a forklift. The suppressor housing is smooth enough to prevent damage to small squirt boom type cranes, a patented technology not available on any other vibro. Call your nearest APE branch for a free demo. We warranty that our Model 150 can out perform any other 2600 inch pound machine or we will pay $5,000 in cash.
APE Goes On Discovery Channel
APE is being featured in a new TV show on the Discovery Channel. The story will show APE’s Quad Kong driving 40-foot diameter concrete piles in China. The Discovery Channel film crew visited the APE facility in Kent to see the launching of the third Model 600 and film APE’s testing procedures.