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Archive for "Jan 2008"

Big Cans

Pushing and pulling is what Rohrscheib Caissons needed to do in two different locations this winter. Up to 8 ft. diameter caissons needed to be driven and extracted. Kevin Rohrscheib called APE/J&M N.E. looking for two big hammers for the job. Two J&M 66/80’s went to Michigan and to Ohio to take on the snow and take care of business.

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Taylor Brothers Marine Lights The Way !

Taylor Brothers Marine is running full steam ahead on the “Morris Island” light house restoration project. The project consists of the 1st 2 phases of the erosion control portion. Julius Taylor had on his thinking cap when he planned to use a jack-up barge for this portion, because even on the best days things can change real quick. The 1st part of this contract consisted of installing a sheetpile coffer cell. This was done with an APE 150-T vibratory hammer. The second portion is filling the cell with rip-rap stone to stop the light house from leaning any more. APE wishes Taylor Brothers a safe & productive job. Visit the website, www.savethelight.org for more information on this project.

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