APE has completed its full line of variable moment machines by adding the new 250VM to its fleet. Bill Ziadie, formally with PVE, had a hand in the final specifications. He wanted a machine that could deliver more power than any of its European rivals. Bill also wanted a machine that didn’t have all the “bells and whistles” that cause downtime but still has the necessary features that are needed by USA pile drivers. “We made it rugged like all APE equipment but dropped off all those goofy shut down systems that are found on European machines” says John White, owner of APE.

The power unit has the most advanced CAT Electronic engine available.

The APE 250VM has 4500 inch pounds of eccentric moment. It automatically switches in and out of phase during the “on” and “off” cycle. The unit comes with its own monitoring device developed by Profound Ltd based in Holland.

Note in the pictures the close proximity of a storm drainage pipe. The sheets were driven right up against the concrete pipe to allow excavation of the foundation of a new office building. Maximum peak partice velocity readings of less than 12mm/second were recorded at 15ft from the face of the sheet.

For more info call Bill Ziadie at 201 274-3214.

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