APE Model 400 Hydraulic Impact With 80,000 Pound Ram Drives 54
APE’s Model 400U hydraulic impact hammer with a 40 ton ram has successfully driven 54 inch diameter, six inch wall thickness concrete piles in Jacksonville, Florida. The bed cast piles were driven ten feet below minimum tip with only a one foot stroke.
The APE Model 400 has infinitely variable stroke and a visual indicator as well as state of the art digital radio velocity sensors. The new technology is wireless, transmitting digital signals to a hand held computer that stores hammer stroke and energy.
APE makes an even larger hydraulic impact hammer called the 750. The 750 is the same hammer as the 400 but the 750 uses a ram weighing 60 tons while the 400 uses a ram of 40 tons. Both machines run on vegetable hydraulic oil made by Terrasolve.
The APE Model 750 is the largest hammer made in the USA and the Model 400 is the second largest. APE now leads the world in both vibratory and hydraulic impact hammer technology. King Evarts of J&M hydraulics is the lead engineer. King can be reached at 412 720-5175.