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Cabo Riviera success!

The 170VM has driven 1000 sheets since it first started working. The new APE concrete clamp kicks bud! APE China response time to send new set of jaws was only 3 days! Impressive!!! Thank you APE China staff for making it happen. For more details on the Cabo Riviera project see my first article from back in November of 2011 http://www.apevibro.com/wordpress/2011/11/01/ape-170vm-has-been-spotted-in-los-cabos/.

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Summary of Accomplishments for APE Mexico 2011 – Resúmen de Logros para APE Mexico 2011

APE has managed to catch the attention of Mexican Contractors regardless of the long term presence of other manufacturers such as ICE, PTC, BAUER/PILECO.

APE ha logrado captivar la atención de los Constratistas Mexicanos apesar de la larga presencia de otras marcas como ICE, PTC, y BAUER/PILECO.

Ever since our entry into the market on December 2010, APE have managed to provide the right equipment solutions for complex infrastructure such as:

Desde que entramos en el mercado en Diciembre del 2010, APE a logrado proveer soluciones de equipo para complejos proyectos de infraestructura tales como:

  • The Construction of a Distribution Facility of a Natural Gas Terminal (Rental of APE D50 Diesel Impact Hammer for 7 months)
  • La Construcción de la Terminal de Distribución de Gas Natural, Tuxpan, Veracruz (Renta de Martillo de Impacto Diesel modelo D50 por 7 meses)
  • The Expansion of the Container Terminal for Port of Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico (Rental of 200-6 for 5 months)
  • La Expasión de la Terminal de Contenedores del Puerto de Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico (Renta de APE modelo 2006- por 5 meses)
  • The Construction of a New Major Naucalpan-Ecatepec Expressway accross Mexico, City (Rental of four (4) APE 200 vibros for 6 months each)
  • La Construcción de la Nueva Autopista Naucalpan-Ecatepec inteseca la Cuidad de México (Renta por 4 meses de 4 vibrohincadores por 6 meses)
  • The Construction of a New Marina in Los Cabos, Mexico (Sell of an APE 170 Variable Moment Vibro)
  • La Construcción de la Nueva Marina en Los Cabos, Baja California, México (Venta de un APE 170VM de Frecuencia Variable)
  • The Construction of a Walmart in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico (Rental of APE 150T for 4 months)
  • La Construcción de un Walmart en VIllahermosa, Tabasco, México (Renta de un APE 150T por 4 meses)
  • The Construction of Shafts for Línea 12 Underground Train Project in Mexico City (Rental of APE 150T for 6 months)
  • La Construcción de Túneles para el Tren Subterráneo de la Línea 12 en Ciudad de México (Renta del APE 150T por 6 meses)
  • The Expansion of Port of Veracruz, Mexico (Rent of JM 66-80 & JM 416 vibros)
  • Expansión del Puerto de Veracruz, México (Renta de JM 66-80 & JM 416)
  • The Construction of a Mining Facility, Baja California, Mexico (Rent of APE 400 vibro)
  • La Construcción de una Terminal de Minerales, Baja California, México (Renta de un APE 400 vibro)

APE was also a proud Sponsor and Organizer of the 1st Deep Foundations Symposium ever to be organized between the Deep Foundations Institute (www.dfi.org)  and the Society of Mexican Geo-technical Engineers (www.smig.org.mx) back in November 2011 with an assistance of 325 people.

APE también participó como patrocinador y organizador del Primer Simposium de Cimentación Profunda jamás antes organizado entre el Instituto de Cimentación Profunda y la Sociedad Mexicana de Ingenieros Geotécnicos en Noviembre 2011, la cuál tuvo una asistencia de 325 personas.

It is APE’s goal for 2012 to triple our presence in Mexico and to establish local service, parts, and support to cater for Mexican Contractors looking to switch to the World’s Leader Manufacturer of Piledriving Equipment: APE and J&M.

Es la meta de APE para el año 2012 triplicar su presencia en México y establecer servicio, partes, y apoyo local para atender las necesidades de los contratistas Mexicanos buscando cambiarse a la Marca Líder a Nivel Mundial de Equipos para Cimentación: APE y J&M.

Local distributors are also welcome to call for distributorship opportunities in Mexico.

Distribuidores locales son bienvenidos a contactarnos para oportunidades de representación.

Best Wishes to All for this New Year 2012!

Mis Mejores Deseos para Todos para este Nuevo Año 2012!

Franki Segura, MBA
Business Developer for APE Mexico
Cell: +1-786-991-687

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APE 170VM Has Been Spotted in Los Cabos

A new APE 170VM has been spotted in Los Cabos, Mexico taking the sun and driving contention walls for a very exclusive new Marina called Cabo Rivera . GITSA purchased the latest Variable Moment Vibratory Hammer technology to drive 3800 concrete sheets of 12m length x 1m wide x 90 cm thickness to build the contention walls for the man-made-islands where the new Marina DreamHomes will be constructed. The APE 170VM with 2,250 in/lb of eccentric variable moment and our newly designed octakong inspired concrete sheet clamp takes concrete sheet driving to a new level. The newly designed APE concrete sheet clamp attachment covers more area, transmits more energy, and has better grip than the old 2 cylinder concrete sheet clamp. Not even one sheet broke or fractured! Very soft fine sands made the driving difficult, but nothing watter jetting and slow driving (1350 RPM) with high amplitude could not overcome. Gladly, the APE 170VM allowed us to control the speed and amplitude infinitely with the phase in/phase out feature, high/low turbo, and the governor features.

The additional training & support provided by our technician Daniel Parke helped increase the contrator’s and pilebuck’s confidence in the equipment and in 2 days they went from 3 sheets to 6-7 sheets per day. I am sure they will double their production ones they get more comfortable with the equipment. We look forward to working with GITSA in the near future.

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APE Proves to be the Best – PTC 60 HD Falls Short

As Arq. Andres Rivera had suspected and experienced in the 1st major expansion Grupo Indi succesfully completed at The Port of Lazaro Cardenas back in 2005; the soil conditions were unpredictably tough.

Due to it’s geographical location (between the river and the Atlantic Ocean), the soils consist of thick layers of fine sands combined with cohesive clays, gravel, and boulders.

Their PTC 60 HD was working at maximum capacity and  still could not drive or extract the 1.6m diameter, 3/4” wall, 18m long temporary sleeves used to contain the soils.

Due to lack of capacity of their 150 ton crane and limited weight restriction on the platforms it stand, getting a bigger vibro was not an option.

They needed a similar size vibro with more driving force and extra pulling force able to withstand the use and abuse of this difficult soils.

Luckily, Arq. Rivera had already heard about THE YELLOW APE that had been taking over the territory of Mexico, annihilating the competition one job at a time.

After carefully considering and experiencing the challenges at the jobsite, our expert piledriving engineers decided to send a modified APE 200-6 with an 1050 HP Power Unit able to put out 2200 rpm @ 5000 psi for an approximate frequency of 1750 cpm, which in turn put out as much as 287 tons of driving force and 167 tons of pulling force. Now the PTC 60HD lies on the floor looking @ at THE YELLOW APE work its ass off…

How does APE make a similar size vibro put out almost double the driving force and double the extraction force?

It takes years and years of innovation, engineering, and patented technology.

Now, Arq. Andrés Rivera is confident he will finish his project on time for Mexico’s President Felipe Calderón to come inaugurate on October 31st what will be the Port handling more TEUS of all Mexico. GO APE! KEEP IT COMING GRUPO INDI!


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APE 150T Vibro Outdrives & Replaces PTC 30H2 in Mexico

Citemex was hired by Walmart to improve the soils for the first Walmart ever built in a small town called Macuspana in Tabasco, Mexico.

The objective was to improve the soils by injecting concrete into the ground with a 12 m long, 600 mm diameter injection pile in order to build a 25,000 sq foot Walmart, also called Bodega Aurrera in Mexico, in a 3 months length of time.

Walmart takes pride in building their Warehouses in 3 months or less time in Mexico, and due to the difficult driving conditions (SPT: 50 bpm) and low speed of Citemex’s vibratory hammer on site; they realized they would never meet Walmart’s schedule.

That’s when they called APE to come to the rescue.

Citemex had sent a PTC 30H2 with 30 kg*m eccentric moment and twice the weight of our APE 150T (also a 30 kg*m eccentric moment vibro), but the PTC could not even drive the piles to half the depth (6 m) even with pre-drilling.

So APE decided to send the APE 150T with our patented technology of tugsten on the eccentrics, a velocity of up to 1800 vpm, and an amplitud of up to 20 mm. The same eccentric moment hammer but with less weight, more speed, and more amplitude.

On the 1st day, the APE 150T drove (5) piles to depth. By the end of the 2nd day, Citemex drove (15) piles in a 12 hour shift.

From there on it was piece of cake…

Citemex finished their project in the expected time and now he is a loyal customer of APE.

You are probably wondering how can the same size vibro, relatively speaking, can outdrive the other one in the same soil conditions?

APE prides in developing equipment with technologies that go far beyond our customer’s expectations, and that is why APE is the Leader Manufacturer of Piledriving Equipment in the World.

For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact Franki Segura with your project specifications.

Like my good friend Steve Cress would say…Cheers! And till next time…

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APE Brings Together DFI & Sociedad Mexicana De Geotecnia e Ingenieria

At the DFI Annual Conference in Los Angeles, California, Franki Segura presented the idea to the DFI Committee to host a Super Pile in Mexico.

The idea was well received by both the DFI Organization Committee and the President of Mexico’s Geo-Technical Engineering Society (www.smig.org.mx)

As a result of this meeting, Walter Paniagua President of  SMIG invited Franki Segura and Theresa Rapaport to participated in the XXV Annual Reunion of the Geo-Technical Society in Acapulco, Mexico.

More than 400 industry experts were present at the show where APE had a booth and plenty of traffic.

As a result of the show, a new strategic alliance between APE and an important Mexican Foundation Equipment Distributor is about to take place.

Also, at this meeting APE, DFI, and SMIG continued planning Mexico’s Super Pile Event expected to happen November 2011.

Mexico is starting to feel the presence of APE.

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Pile Buck Training In California Branch

Steve Cress invited Mexico’s New Salesman Franki Segura to join his Pilebuck training on October 27th.

Steve and his crew dedicated one entire day to train 15 Pilebucks and Franki on Maintenance, Operation, Rig-Up, Testing, and Components for:

APE Power Units

APE Clamps

APE Vibratory Hammers

APE Diesel Impact Hammers

By the time he was done, we all understood why Steve Cress  and APE California is in almost every pile-driving job in California, if not all of them.

Thanks Steve!

You certainly Lead by Example…

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APE´s Soccer Team: The Fury of the APE

David Vo had the great idea idea of starting up an Indoor Soccer Team and signed up the team for a soccer tournament here in Kent, Washington.

Some of the Superstars playing on the team are: Poncho, Ben, David, Evan, Josh, Dan, Jacob, and Franki.

Although they did not win the first two games, the team is growing stronger by gaining confidence, technique, and experience on every game.

All the other teams have lots of experience and APE’s team is already putting up a tough fight.

Soon enough the APE team will be taking home some trophies.

Keep it up fellows…

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New Sales Representitive for APE Mexico

Franki Segura es el nuevo Gerente de Ventas para APE México.

Franki operará  desde la fábrica principal en Seattle, Washington por los próximos seis (6 meses) hasta que venda suficientes equipos como para abrir una Sucursal en México.

Franki se encargará de suplir todos los requerimientos de partes, servicio, y equipos de fundaciones vitales para cumplir con el Plan Nacional de Construccion que el Presidente de Mexico, Felipe Calderón puso en marcha en Julio 2007.

Gracias a que John White (Presidente de APE), reconoce la importancia del mercado Mexicano, el website y muy pronto el catalogo de ventas estarán disponibles en Español y Portuguese.

Para contactar a Franki Segura por favor visite el siguiente link y website:


Office: (786) 361-9672
Toll Free: (877) 457-5022
Fax: (253) 872-8710
Franki Segura Regional Sales Representative (Hablamos Español) Cell: (786) 991-6875 frankis@apevibro.com
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