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Wilder Construction Replaces the Tolt River Bridge.

Don Schroeder with Wilder Construction and crew install the temporary bridge piles in the wet lands outside Carnation, WA. The main foundations will be drilled shafts. The way the crew tackled the batter piles on the work trestle is very creative. Using a swinging set of leads and a simple pin arrangement, the batter piles installed very smoothly.

In addition to the swinging leads, there is a pile monkey and fixed pile gate holding the pile in the leads.

For more information on APE lead systems feel free to contact us here at the main office or one of our satellite locations.

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Fraser River Pile and Dredge Update-Here Come the Batter Piles!

After completing many of their plumb piles, Fraser River has now started driving the batter piles on the elevated rail link. With the versatile bottom drive system the hammer and leader guides directly to a fixed “A” frame.

The full design of the “A” frame was finalized by Don Reid based on concept dwgs during the bid stage.

For more information on how APE can assist with your next job contact your local satellite.

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The APE 15/60 Hydraulic Impact Hammer Selected for the Harrison River Bridge.

Harcon Incorporated drives 36 inch .750 wall piles for the Harrison River Bridge on the southeast side of Lake Pend Oreille in Harrison, Idaho.

This is only the second time this type of pile has been used in the United States. Designed to ensure a stable soil plug in very soft soils, the top of the first splice is vertically slotted around its radius, filled with gravel and the capped with a closed ended pile of the same diameter and thickness. The “slots” allow for the liquid to filter through the gravel and exit the pile just below the closed ended splice.

The APE Model 15/60 was selected specifically for its ram weight. As shown, the overall length of this hammer is 20′-much shorter than anything else of comparable energy in the industry.

Contact your local APE representative for more information.

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That’s Why It’s Called SuperKong

American Construction is using the APE Model 600 Vibratory Driver/Extractor with an 8′ caisson beam, caisson to attachment adapter and a 24″ concrete clamp to drive 100′ long octagonal concrete pile for a floating pier at the US Coast Guard. The method of using a driver/extractor has been introduced by Shannon and Wilson to help with fishery issues. Normally an impact hammer would be used for the installation of concrete piles as the total area of soil that needs to be displaced is very high.

There is also a three wedge caisson beam to attachment adapter that allows for the contractor save hours of time unbolting and re-bolting a new attachment to the hammer. With this attachment the change takes place in minutes.

For more information about this job and other innovative advantages APE can offer for your next job call any of our APE offices.

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JaehYun Construction Goes APE Building the Incheon Sea Bridge.

The Incheon Sea Bridge is a 14 km elevated bridge with a cable span center that will link up the Incheon International Airport with the new, state of the art-New Song Do Beach City located across the inlet southeast of Seoul, also known as Incheon Free Economic Zone, or IFEZ. The land construction links three cities south of Incheon; Songdo, Cheongna, and Yeongjong.

A subway system extension and roadway expansion will accompany the bridge east of the airport for some of its infrastructure, including many high rise apartments.

The main piers and approaches for the cable span bridge are built using clusters of 3 meter diameter 67 meter length permanent casing.

Many 2.4 meter diameter permanent casing will be driven for the elevated portions of the bridge. Large, state of the art, Korean built table top drills with built in power units perform the clean out duties.

The APE Tandem 400 driver/extractor with the patented Quad Clamp System is handling the largest casings on the job greatly minimizing the potential need for relief drilling. Later in the job, these hammers will be split apart and then take on the smaller permanent casing independent of each other. This kind of versatility cannot be found in the industry without purchasing other accessories.

Jaehyun Construction had a large hand in building the first island bridge linking the Incheon International Airport to the peninsula heading north. The new bridge under construction now is sure to bring another economic surge to the country.

If you have any questions about this project or any you see on our website, feel free to contact me at the APE Corporate Headquarters or one of our sales representatives at any of our satellite locations. Our experienced staff will do what ever it takes to help protect your bottom line on your next pile driving job.

Dave Yingling

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Fraser River Pile and Dredge Drives Test Piles with Largest APE diesel in North America

Jack McQuarrie and his crew prepare to drive a 42″ .750-wall steel pipe pile and a 24″ 1″-wall pipe pile for the Pitt Mann Elevated Bridge in Port Coquitlam, BC. The projected tip elevation is 33 feet into the very dense till starting at an average depth of 360′.

The piles were first vibrated into place with an APE 300 vibro then most of the pile length was driven with a D62 until practical refusal was met.

The final driving with the D180-42 started with mid 50’s blow count per foot and ended 16 plus feet into the till at 150 blows per foot.

The offshore driving system was direct drive. The transferred energy from the hammer to the pile was on average 80% of the rated energy.

If you have any questions concerning this job or any APE products feel free to contact us at your local satellite or Dave Yingling at 800-248-8498

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Morgan and Oswood Builds Underpass in Idaho.

Using the Model 300 driver/extractor, Dave Jellum with Morgan and Oswood, installs a cut off wall next to live rail road tracks to support the heavy rail traffic during the excavation process. The driven piles will be done with the contractor owned 40,000 foot pound single acting diesel hammer. The patented two stage suppressor provides the crane operator a smooth transition from full vibration speed to off. Single stage suppressors with comparable line pull are too rigid and create unacceptable crane boom vibration.

The photos display an affective mathod for stepping sheets in high blowcount non cohesive silts and sands.

For more information about APE’s patented two stage suppressor and other jobsite advantages of APE equipment, click on the location tab above and call any of our office managers.

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North Wind Goes APE Solving Nuclear Waste Handling Issues

North Wind has devised a method to remove buried radioactive waste by using a specially design casing with jetting tubes inside it. Using an APE Model 400 driver/extractor the casing is vibrated over the waste and jetted with a special epoxy that hardens when it comes in contact with water. Once the bottom is sealed, the top is sealed with concrete and then extracted with the vibro.

This new method greatly reduces the cost of retrieving radioactive waste for proper storage. The next phase of this procedure will take place in the “hot zone”

If you have any questions about this job, contact Dave Yingling

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John White, President, and Pat Hughes, CEO, of APE/J&M will host its first open house of the APE recently updated factory in Kent, Washington on August 26 and 27, 2005. Print out this attached handout for more details. Thanks for making APE the largest pile driving equipment company in the world.

See the the new APE 220 diesel hammer, the largest diesel hammer in the world plus the new APE 200-6 water cooled high-speed vibro. J&M will show off its new excavator mast and Robovibe and its new factory in New Jersey.

APE will also teach a class on hydraulic impact hammers while all APE and J&M sales people attend. Thanks again for the most successful year ever at APE and let us show you our appreciation.


John and Pat

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David White Leaves APE, Receives Full Basketball Scholarship At Seattle University

David White, son of President John White of APE has come home from China to finish his International Business Degree at Seattle University.

David lived in China for three years and received a Degree from Shanghai Language School. This is the same school that Yao Ming, the now famous basketball star for the Houston Rockets, attended.

David White and Yao Ming attended Shanghai Language School at the same time, David learning Chinese and Yao learning English.

David worked very hard to expand APE in China. He assisted in the sale of the Quad Kong, the largest vibratory pile driver in the world. He was responsibile for the initial test of Quad Kong, handling all the language issues as well as assisting in the assembly of the machine at the job site. David also participated in the driving of 44 foot diameter steel piles using the same Quad Kong. He will be greatly missed at APE.

David’s plans are to play for the Super Sonics once finishing his remaining two years at Seattle University.

David works out four days per week with NBA all star players such as Detlef Shrempf, Mike Dickerson, and James Edwards (Budda), the 7-foot 2 inch, four time NBA champion who received championship rings while playing for the Bulls with Michael Jordon and while with the Detriot Pistons.

David also plays with Nate Robinson, starting point guard for University of Washington.

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